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Surprising discoveries I made halfway through college

***Re-post May 28th, 2019

What could two year of college have taught me...way more than I thought!

street corner

As a young adult headed into my junior year, I never knew how much I would've learned from my 2 years in higher education. This is a quick tidbit of my mindset heading into year three, initially dropped in the summer of 2019!

Summer 2K19

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” -Søren Kierkegaard

Oh. my. gawd.

I blinked. I just blinked.

There it went, the time. 2 years down.

I cannot believe that I am here, halfway through my college career and chugging along. I mean, I was there and I saw everything but dang. It feels like everything has meshed together to create one huge blob of my college experience thus far. But honestly, everything has been going much better. This past semester gave way to an exceedingly successful behavior on my part and I have learned a lot. How to win elections, what making new friends is like, how to kick a cheetos addiction, and much much more. And I promise I’ll reflect on that a bit more in a later post but right now…it is SUMMERTIME! and literally nothing else matters. Why? Because that’s just how it is. Don’t question this, just support it. For once just take good advice when you see it okay!?! WHEW chiiiiile! I lost it a bit there but seriously, it’s summertime and this is the best time to get some new things in the works.

There are so may things that can happen over the summer if you let them. Now, this is NOT me endorsing the illicit behaviors we see so heavily depicted in television shows (who remembers Degrassi? that was wild), I am just saying now is a great time to explore some options. Start a YouTube channel, buy a new wardrobe, save up for school (college is not a game, they collect like the mafia so watch ya knee caps), go out to free concerts, get a tattoo, kiss a summer fling, or just whatever you can think of. Just remember “the law is imported” or whatever McGruff use to say. Any who, the point is the summer is a great time to reinvent yourself or simply build on who you already are.

But the #1 piece of advice is: DO NOT SQUANDER THIS TIME! I get it everyone is just getting down off of the stress induced cortisol high from finals and we all are feeling the slump of the summer hit, as we settle in for Netflix and Hulu binges to occupy our time but don’t get trapped. There is plenty of time to binge watch when we should be studying next semester. I’m not taking that back, we all do that, no shame in the game long as you passing that thang! Someone take my keyboard ;). But summer offers unique opportunities the school year doesn’t always allow for. Time for travel, exploration, skill building, resume BS-ing, working for no mon–oop I mean interning, and a ton of other things. This is also a great time to do impromptu photo shoots with a best friend (see my Instagram). with everything that floods our space during school or work or interning the summer is the time to relax but also to develop. So, if there is a skill you have been dying to learn, do it, and if you want to sleep in every once in a while, go for it, there is no right or wrong to the summer only decisions that can be made. So, go out and enjoy the time you are being granted, you have most definitely earned it.

Finally, a life update: I have been taking my own advice and am going to be living up the summer. I have been trying new recipes like making potato chips (see Pinterest) and making strawberry and peach smoothies. I am also exploring my city! I walked the canal for the first time in Viv (my wig) and took some great photos with my Best friend of 8 years and counting. Although it ain’t the most exciting and the summer is budgeted, I do know it beats sitting around living vicariously through a social media feed (no shade, just knowledge from experience). So head out into the world and experience cause I intend to.

I appreciate all your support!

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